Network Configurations, Troubleshooting And Monitoring Commands In Linux | RedHat Linux

Below lists of some commands which can be used to trace network related issue in Redhat Linux System.

1)udevadm info -e | grep -A 10 ^P.*enp0s3 

Check the info about PCI slot index number of ethernet card


Show details about network card and ip address

3) ip add show

Show the ip address of network card

4)ip a s

Same as number 3

5) ip -s link show enp0s3 

Get info about recieved or transfer packets of interface

6)route -n
Show the routinig table

7)ip route

Details routing of ips


Open socket information with open/connected port and send receive data

man ss for more options like ...

9) ss -ta

For tcp protocol with all listening or connected ports sockets

10)nmcli connection show

Show the connection name with UUID and hardware device name

11) nmcli connection show "name of the connection" 

e.g wired connection or virbr0 or enp0s3

Show the complete details about the connection

12) nmcli dev status

Info about device status (opposite of no. 10 )

13) nmcli dev show enp0s3

Device info about connection

14) nmcli connection add con-name "home" ifname enp0s3 type ethernet ipv4 gw4 >

Create new connection with given configuration

15) nmtui

Access the network manager terminal base UI to edit the connection

16) hostnamectl >

For hostname configuration

17) hostnamectl set-hostname "any_name"

To change the hostname

18) /etc/resolve.conf

To point the system to domain

19) nmcli connection up/down "connection_name" 

To make connection up or down / repeat this command after edit your connection.

20) ifup "name of the interface"

Make interface up/on

21) ifdown "name of the interface"

Make interface down/off

If You think there is any command that I should add in the list , Please feel free to comment below. I will definitely add that command.

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