How To Configure SELinux Policy Man Pages For Any Process or Application

SELinux stands for Security Enhanced Linux , an advance security feature available in Linux. Some distro enable this feature by default some does not. Its up to you if you need SELinux in your Linux system you can install it seperately. but before that read the official documents provided by your distro website. If you are using rpm based distro like CentOS , Redhat , Fedora etc then its by default enabled in it. but if you are searching gor SELinux policy document for any particular process or application you will not found that in it. For this you have to create these policy documents in your system and attach them as a man page. So below are the steps to do same. Lets start...

Steps To Create SELinux Policy Documents

1. First of all install the SELinux Policy Devel Pakcage.

sudo yum install -y selinux-policy-devel

2. Now run below command to create the man pages.

sudo sepolicy manpage -a -p /usr/local/man/man8.mandb

This command will take some time to create man pages.

3. Now run man command to check the SELinux policy document for any process/application e.g if you want to check the SELinux policy document for httpd service run it as below.

man httpd_selinux

This will tells you about all booleans for httpd and also the different file context.

Thats all you need to do. Thank you for reading. 😀

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